
Cookie Policy

Effective Date:  25 February 2019


Cookies are small text files that websites you use or some emails that you may open can save to your computer or other device. Cookies are generally used to help facilitate the use of websites and to gather business and marketing information for the owner of the website. On our website and service, we use both cookies that are essential for the functioning of our website and cookies that require your consent. Some of them are session cookies, while others are persistent cookies. Session cookies are only stored on your device for the duration of the current browsing session. This means that they are automatically deleted from your device once you close your browser. Persistent cookies, however, are stored on your device for longer periods of time.

We use cookies for the following purposes:

Essential cookies are cookies that are used for technical purposes, so that the website works as efficiently and safely as possible. These cookies enable the basic functions of our service, such as navigation from one page to another, using our website or changing the language. They allow the service to remember the choices you make, so that we will not have to ask you for the same information again every time you use it. For example, cookies allow us to collect information and statistics regarding the performance of our website, so that we may improve it and ensure its functionality.

Essential cookies are downloaded to your device automatically, and do not require your consent. You can block essential cookies by adjusting your browser settings or simply delete them from your device. If you block essential cookies, you may encounter disturbances or interruptions when using our website or services.

We use advertising cookies to monitor and analyse the use of our website and services. Advertising cookies help us target our marketing efforts and offer you tailored content.

These cookies are also used to target ads outside Sortter’s website. Advertising cookies are third-party cookies. For example, when you visit our website, cookies from Google or Facebook will be saved on your device. However, none of these third parties are allowed to collect personal data that would allow them to identify you as an individual. Advertising cookies allow us to collect information about your visit and to show you ads on services provided by other companies.

In order to use advertising cookies, we need your consent. You can revoke your consent to using these cookies below or simply delete them from your device. If you decide to block advertising cookies, we will no longer be able to target our online advertising to you.

You can choose which cookies we can save on your device. When you open our website or one of our applications for the first time, you will be asked for your explicit consent to the use of cookies. You can choose to block all cookies used on our website by adjusting the settings on your browser. In this case, you may not be able to use our services as intended. You can also choose to restrict the cookies by adjusting your cookie settings and excluding the cookies you do not wish to be used from your whitelist.

You can opt out of tracking by adjusting your tracking settings accordingly. In this case, we will not collect any data other than the information that is necessary to facilitate any contacts and actions you may request. You can also opt out of tracking by using a browser extension designed for this purpose. Most of these extensions will not affect the functionality of the site outside from preventing the tracking.

If you want to adjust your cookies and do not know where to start, familiarise yourself with the instructions that are available on your browser or other help articles that can be found online. You can find more information on the following websites: or or These websites offer comprehensive information on how to manage the tracking or cookie settings for many different browsers. They provide instructions on how to delete cookies from your device (even the ones related to this visit), as well as more general information regarding cookies.

The duration of each cookie is individual. It is, however, reset every time you visit the website.

We may make changes to the use and placement of cookies. We recommend that you visit this page occasionally to review our up-to-date cookie policy.

If you encounter any problems trying to manage your cookies, do not hesitate to contact us at